Wednesday, February 3, 2010

What A Day

Without getting into details let me just say that I had a very interesting day yesterday. I was under a significant amount of pressure to accomplish a difficult and very personal task. Success meant having to to get over a number of hurdles that I had no control over. Everything had to come together by 3pm or it would be an epic failure.

From the start, I had people telling me, "There's no way this can happen today." I must have heard that 5 times between 7am and 3pm. Every time I heard it, the words were spoken by the "hurdle" themselves and every time I heard it, somehow, someway, I got over (or past) it.

Like everyone, I face daily challenges. Most of them I knock out with little effort or thought. Some, I have to wrestle with to complete. Others take more time and finesse. This challenge, well, as I sat in my car, driving home at 3:05pm, I realized I had little to do with the fact that it was successfully completed. Help came from above. Yup...I truly believe that all my angels, especially my sister Camille, poked, prodded, nudged and did what they had to to help me. I drove home with tears in my eyes and a feeling of deep appreciation that I have not felt in a long time.

You may think this is weird. I kind of do but, it makes me feel good believing it's true.

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