Thursday, April 30, 2009

12 Second Movies

OK, I admit it. I have time on my hands. I have also been spending a lot of time "not thinking". My enlightened friends will know what I mean. I've got some creative juices flowing and have been playing with Now that I'm kind of hooked, I want to make even more of a challenge out of it. Rather than creating one 12 second video on a topic, I want to tell a 12 second story.

My original thinking was to come up with a topic, make up a story, break it down into 4 three second "clips", shoot it, add audio and edit. After my first attempt today (posted in "12 Seconds of Caracappa" on the right) I'm not sure how well it will work.

I've by no means given up so stay tuned for more!! I'm going to try to produce a new one every day or so.

If you enjoy these, I suggest you follow me @caracappa on twitter, add me as a friend on facebook or, follow this blog. All three are cool too since I'm bored and misery loves company!