Saturday, December 19, 2009
Friday, December 18, 2009
It Is Friday!
I gassed again a couple of times which frankly is embarrassing. I've worked pretty damn hard on my cardio so it kills me that I can't keep up with these young mofo's. Other than gassing, I felt pretty good about the way things went. Still have crap kick defenses but, I'm getting used to being kicked and countering with a flurry of punches over the top. Jason Fry laid a beatdown on my with front and round kicks but, I was able to punch him in the black eye I gave him last week. Sad but, it did bring a smile to my face...
Anyway, I have a big customer demo to do today and hopefully good results will lead to a wonderful start to 2010. Christmas party tonight with the Fit and Fearless crew which promises to be fun. Should all lead to a nice pre Christmas weekend full of shopping!
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Fight Night
So, after the first couple of weeks that I've been able to attend, what have I learned about my declining skills? A few things for sure....
#1 I'm old
#2 I'm slow
#3 I bruise easy
#4 I recover slowly
#5 After 5 rounds, two minutes seems like a lifetime
#6 My kick defenses are non existent
Thankfully, my vision is good so I can still pick out an opening or two (watch out for the big over hand left). I'm also smart....I stay away from those that are much younger and much less experienced. It keeps me from getting hurt. Damn kids these days and their head kicks!
Anyway, we're on again tonight. moment of zen begins at 7:30pm CST.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Hotel exercise room and crazy stares!
Me, I get in the zone. iPod cranked up with one of my favorite workout playlists. I jump on the treadmill for the "run a mile as fast as I can run it" warmup. I Ran by A Flock of Seagulls is blasting in my ears. I finish the mile in just under 9 minutes (yes, that's fast for me), jump off the treadmill, grab 2 35# dumbells and 1 50# dumbell and go right into a WOD of 21, 15, 9, Thrusters, Swings (with the 50# dumbell) and pushups.
Now remember, I'm old...I have to stop and rest several times during the WOD and even made a trip to the trash can when I thought I was going to puke but, I'm moving through the WOD pretty quickly. I finish my last pushup and just drop to the ground, arms and legs splayed out like I was dead and ready to have a chalk outline drawn around me. About that time, Long Road to Ruin by the Foo Fighters is on (love that song!). I role over, eyes closed, breathing heavy. I smile, proud of myself for finishing and finishing as fast as I did.
I open my eyes and Guy #3 is bent down over me looking like he's about to start CPR. I still have the iPod blasting so I can't hear what he's saying and he starts to yell, "Are you OK! Are you OK???" I pull the headphones out of my ears, tilt my head and look at him (like my female beagle does when you say the word cookie to her) and say, "I'm fine, what the hell is wrong with you?" He actually extends a hand to help me up and goes on to tell me that he stopped his workout about the time I went to the trashcan thinking I was going to puke because he'd never seen anyone do a workout like that before. I then realize that Guy #1 is standing on the stopped treadmill staring at me and Guy #2 is on his stalled elliptical doing the same.
I wound up spending the next 15 minutes catching my breath and explaining to the three of them what Cross Fit was. All in all, an excellent way to start the day!
Thursday, November 12, 2009
More Travel?
I missed working out this week and really missed Wednesday night's fight class. I'm going to bring some stuff with me so I can workout next week. The hotel has a gym which makes it a easier to knock out some crazy Cross Fit workout. No gym at the hotel this week which means if I want to work out it's Bas Rutten on my iPod and frankly, I've done so much Bas his voice is getting to me. Sorry Bas...
Anyway, Julie is still at her mom's and I am the worlds worst bachelor (0r maybe the best). I have no clean clothes, no clean dishes and the house smells funny. Whats up with that???
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
I Lied...
I've been busy with work (always a good thing) following up on trade show activities and working with partners to find new ways to generate revenue. These are still challenging economic times for most businesses. I remain very positive and keep thinking of different ways to work with my partners to generate incremental business.
I travel again the next two weeks. I'm headed back to New Hampshire next week for a few days worth of meetings and then the following week I'm in Portland, OR for the SuperComputing show.
Enough about that. New fight class starts on Wednesday. It will be straight standup, hands and legs with full gear. I'm excited as there are a few people who I'm looking forward to working with. I'm also nervous about all the newbies that will be there trying to impress. Someone always gets hurt when that happens. It will be interesting to see how many people show up for the first class versus the second class. Everybody wants to spar until they get punched in the face. Then, not so much!
Monday, October 5, 2009
Monday, September 28, 2009
Holy Cow! is what it is and it's over. The rest of the test is a blur except for the part where my partner put a choke on me so hard that I have a contusion on my throat. I thought I was going to pass out, throw up, and die all at the same time. The 4 on 1 drill at the end of the test pushed me where I had never been before. There was no time limit. You went until you had nothing left with 4 partners plus Kelly yelling at you as loud as they could. I kept moving through the entire drill though very slowly at the end. I think back on it now and realize that near the end I could not hear anyone. All I could hear was my heart pounding in my chest like a thousand guys with sledge hammers beating big rocks into little rocks. When I was done, I sprinted to the garbage can sure that I was going to hurl. Kelly turned to me and said out loud to the class, "look, Ed's the first one I made puke!" I sucked it back in, didn't throw up and turned to her and said, "NO WAY, I'm not puking!"
Test was over....I ran outside to puke. 15 minutes rest and onto the teaching test. I know I said this before and it remains true. Kelly makes me nervous. I had to teach reflexive defense to a front kick. Fortunately, Kelly took the time during the test to break this down in detail. I locked all her little tidbits in my brain (though I don't know how). I really don't remember doing the dynamic demo at all but, I know I did it. I do know I broke it down well, worked it dry in the mirror and got everyone working. I made corrections to the whole class and some individual corrections as well. Very shortly into my class working, Kelly called time. Kind of freaked me out since I watched her let others go much longer than me in their teaching. Then, she says, "that's it, you're done." I'm thinking I must have screwed up BAD! Everyone who went before me had to teach two techniques! I only did 3/4 of one. CRAP...
So, I'm home, bruised and sore as a mofo. Julie could only laugh when she saw the bruises (that's one of the things I love about her). I'm hurting in a few places I've never hurt before. Just a few special memories that I came home with....20 minutes into day 1 I take a punch to the kisser and my brand new bridge gets knocked out. I go the rest of the three days toothless. The contusion in my throat. I have a bruise on my ribs that is the exact image of little Ron's fist from all the inside defenses with two counters. I have a purple toe on each foot. I have the most curious set of bruises on my left inner thigh. I have an abrasion on my forehead from burying my head into Ron's back during bearhug from behind, arms free. The thumb side of the heel of my left hand is as purple as purple can be. I'm guessing it's from inside defenses. I'm just glad I don't have to shake hands lefty. Bottom line, this was the toughest thing I have done in a long time. In fact, maybe the toughest thing I've ever done. I doubt I passed but, I'm glad I did it and I would do it again. Just not really soon!
Keep your fingers crossed for me.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Day 2 - Everything Hurts
Little Ron is kicking ass. He's got more energy than anyone else in Phase.
Tomorrow is the big day. 5 hour belt test followed by our teaching test. Keep your fingers crossed for me!
Friday, September 25, 2009
Phase B
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
I will start paying more attention to this blog which I enjoy writing. It's nice to be able to express myself in more breadth than Twitter allows. So, start looking for more frequent updates with pictures and videos. I will also go back to using the phone (or skype) more often for communications, especially with my family.
I have some interesting travel coming up starting tomorrow night and running through next Saturday, Oct 3rd. I'm going to use this as an opportunity to blog more frequently.
Monday, September 7, 2009
Game On
I'm heading to Amsterdam for IBC, the International Broadcasters Convention. This is a huge show that runs from Sept 11 to Sept 15th. I already have a full dance card and am trying to fit even more meetings in. Some of my meetings are face to face follow ups with potential partners and customers. Some of them are just opportunistic introductions. I've also set some time aside to stalk some of the people I could not get meetings with. You know...lay in wait for them to show up at their booth and then pounce!
Well, I've got a lot to get done and a little time to do it I go. Oh, wait...what was that song from Smokey and The Bandit? "We've got a long way to go and a short time to get there..." That's me!
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Nashua, NH
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Onward and Upward!
I will be in New Orleans from Monday to Thursday for Siggraph. I'm looking to meet with potential OEMs who manufacture portable equipment for M&E, Broadcast, Oil & Gas, Medical Imaging, etc.. I'm also looking to meet with ISVs who have graphic intensive applications to demo on the road and, of course, end users.
Call me at 512-217-0461 if you'd like to talk.
Friday, June 26, 2009
On another front, I've had several very good interviews. I have two companies that I'd like to go to work for and two that well, lets just say are not at the top of my list. I have a follow up call on 8am Sunday morning (yes, that's right) which will likely be make or break on one of them.
I've got a list of things to get done before the sun rises on Monday morning. I'm off to get working on them...
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
I am NOT lazy!
Now that I get it, I'm going to try to spend some time there....We'll see what comes of it!
Monday, June 1, 2009
Real Men
If you don't know Matt, check out He's a very talented guy!
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Lazy Sunday
I was going to tear down the greenscreen yesterday but didn't. I don't know what's stopping me!
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Tell Me How You Really Feel
Enjoy and please share with your friends!!!
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Quick and Dirty
Enjoy! Please share with friends and comment...
Monday, May 25, 2009
Creative Block?
Anyway, have a nice Memorial Day!
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Not Easy!
Oh yea, I still need to find a job! Latest vid is on
Monday, May 18, 2009
Quick Update
I've been trying to get my head around a next project since I left on Friday. I got an idea and went to Toy Joy (what a freaking great toy store) to pick of a few odds and ends. I spent about 4 hours preparing and capturing what I consider a test sequence. I still have tons of clean up to do so I decided to call it quits for the day so I can go work out.
I'm learning just how complicated all of this can be. To realize my ideas, I need more software that I don't already own or even know how to use. Without going into details I'll just say that I may be biting off more than I can chew! We'll see. I'm trying to see if I can "borrow" some software and learn it quick enough to pull this most recent project off. If not, I'm going to have to scale back and rethink the complexity of these projects.
Anyway, it's still fun and it's keeping me out of trouble!
Friday, May 15, 2009
Another 101X Promo
Make sure you share with your friends!!!
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
MorningX promo
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Hopefully I will sleep tonight and wake up refreshed and in a creative mood.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
When Good Ideas Go Bad
Since I've started with the 12 Second Movies (or Films as I'm trying to get myself to call them), I have ideas come and go all day long. I try to write most of them down and then play them out in my head to see if they will work. Today, I spent 4 hours working on what seemed like a brilliant idea, until it was done. Being nice, I'd say it was pure crap. I was tempted to post it anyway but, decided against it after watching for the 10th time.
I'm guessing this is a normal part of the process but, about frustration. I was going to jump right into another idea and try to knock it out today. I decided against it. There's always tomorrow.
I need to think of ways to promote the viewing of these videos. If anyone who reads this blog has an idea, let me know. I try to let people know to share them so they become viral but, I think I need a little more of a bump. All your thoughts are welcomed!
I also realized today just how limited I am by the software applications I am using. If I'm going to stick with this I will need to invest. I'm not sure if I will go Adobe Premiere Pro and stick with the PC or, go Final Cut Pro and buy a Mac.
Friday, May 8, 2009

I'm going to try and incorporate him into a new stop motion piece today. Not sure how it will work out since the video is a little dark and slightly out of focus. We'll see...
Thursday, May 7, 2009
That's it for today!
Anyway, hope you enjoy the latest.
Learning Lessons...
I've got some work to do on my green screen and lighting before I try this again. Julie is sure that I have lost my mind....
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Stop Motion Update
Tomorrow I'm going shopping for action figures, lots of props and a green or blue backdrop! My mind is running wild with ideas....
I wish I could make money with something that is this much fun...
Stop Motion
I downloaded a software application called Stop Motion Pro v6.5. Simple enough to figure out for the purposes of my testing. I ran up to the local art supply place and picked up a couple of wooden models that I could pose and some black poster board. For subject matter, I decided to use something I know, Krav Maga. I played out a simple defense for choke from the rear. I didn't want to get too detailed till I got a feel for what it was going to take to have it look remotely decent.
I just loaded to first test to 12 Seconds of Caracappa. Please leave comments and let me know what you think!!
Friday, May 1, 2009
Angry Armadillo
I spent about 45 minutes on a side street here in South Austin shooting footage for what turned out to be "Revenge of the Armadillo". It was quiet and there was no one around. About 30 minutes in, while I was tossing the Armadillo up in the air a guy of about 40 years old, walked up (scared the crap out of me of course) and asked, "What the hell is that?". He really didn't care what I was doing out in the middle of the street with a tripod and a camcorder, he was only interested in the Armadillo. He asked if he could touch it and at first, picked it up like it might have the swine (or armadillo) flu. After a moment he said, "This is cool!" and started holding it like a baby. I didn't think to shoot footage of him so no, he won't be part of the next installment of "12 Second Movies".
Anyway, it was a fun little experiment to shoot and edit. I'm sure I'll shoot another over the weekend so stay tuned!
Thursday, April 30, 2009
12 Second Movies
My original thinking was to come up with a topic, make up a story, break it down into 4 three second "clips", shoot it, add audio and edit. After my first attempt today (posted in "12 Seconds of Caracappa" on the right) I'm not sure how well it will work.
I've by no means given up so stay tuned for more!! I'm going to try to produce a new one every day or so.
If you enjoy these, I suggest you follow me @caracappa on twitter, add me as a friend on facebook or, follow this blog. All three are cool too since I'm bored and misery loves company!
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
The Word is Out!

If you have advice, comments, feedback or a lead for a new job, I'm all ears!!!
Monday, April 13, 2009
The big difference here is scale. In the old days, to build a relationship, you started with a phone call then a face to face visit. (rinse and repeat many times) It took years to build a network. In a few weeks on the Internet I am amazed at how many "friends" I now have. I like the fact that I can invite them here to read my blog and I love it when they leave comments.
Now I need to work on turning the "friends" into blog visitors that I can convert into mutually beneficial ongoing relationships.
Yes mom, you can teach and old dog new tricks!
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Video Editing
Anyway, here's a link to the stuff I worked on tonight. I went to the baseball game of my good friend's grandson. I had a blast!
Feel free to comment...I'd like to know what you think.
Saturday, April 4, 2009
So, what to do next? I'm not up for an adventure but, I'm trying to figure out where to go for dinner. I don't mind cooking but, when Julie's out of town, it's kind of like, why bother. I'm sure I'll wind up at Maudie's or Waterloo but, oh how I would like something different. I'm off red meat for now. Not sure how long it will last but, I'm giving it a shot. Kind of makes me really happy things like fish and chicken made their way down the evolutionary path if you know what I mean.
Anyway...I'm lucid so enjoy it! That may not be the case later on.....
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Back in Austin
I WILL work out tomorrow night and Saturday! My body and my mind both need it...
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
A Very Nice Day...
Monday, March 30, 2009
Running and Gunning...
Accept the situation and deal with it. Stay conscious, present, in the now.
Thank you Eckhart Tolle!
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Ron Bernal

Now here's the story of a guy who just does not let go. I've spent years trying to shed my N.J. past (don't ask why) and to move on to better things. Other than my family, who all still live there, I was MOSTLY successful. MOSTLY that is because Ron Bernal (that's him pictured to the left) just wouldn't let go.
To this day, I never know if that blinking light on my answering machine is going to be a message that starts off, "Hey Smegma, do you miss me?". Or, "How's your wife? What's she wearing?". Most years on St. Patty's day, I don't dare answer the phone for fear of the drunk dial from some borrowed cell phone calling from a random bar (or the streets) in NYC after the parade ends.
Every few months we might actually get to talk to each other. Usually, I get verbally abused and then get an update on everyone I knew in high school. See Ron doesn't only stay in touch with me, he stays in touch with everyone (whether they like it or not).
So, after all these years (more than 30), no matter how hard I try, I am forever tied to my past by a crazy Cuban who just can't let go. I'm so very grateful...
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Now I'm really looking forward to UP in 3d!!
Thursday, March 19, 2009
My First
Anyway, it left me wondering. When business turns down, maybe desperately so, how should customers be treated. Does the almighty dollar come first (perhaps if you know your company isn't going to make it!) or, do you take your most precious resource, your customers, and make them feel even closer to you than you ever have before.